The Journey of Destiny

 Whether you are leaving home, school, college, a job, a relationship or your old life you are making a turn in the path to your destiny. Every change in your path begins with a choice, with the intent to begin or finish something and go forward. Life moves through time with a rhythm of precision, just like the clocks that have defined time since the sundial.

Your journey may seem stalled at times; leaving you feeling like time is moving slowly or standing still even though you know it isn't possible. A closer look at when you felt that way usually reveals a time where there was no clear intent or when you could not see the choices before you. Human nature dictates that you will do nothing when you don't know what to do. It is imperative to move through this state of mind and instill intent back into your game plan.

Most people have no idea how to create intent, the forward movement behind all of their actions. Yet intent is a shift in consciousness that everyone engages in daily. You have been living with and understanding it since the first alarm clock entered your life. Sleeping is a necessary and different state of consciousness. An alarm clock is set with a predetermined time to awaken you; it is a reflection of your intent to shift consciousness, to move into a new more aware state of mind. Most people live with this every day; many live with the internal fight to make that shift... hence the 'sleep button' that allows a few more minutes to stay where you are. You'll never hit the sleep button when you are excited about your new day. Set your alarm!

If you find yourself in a place where you are unsure about the next step to take in your life take a moment to define what your intent really is. You define your dreams with this step. Then hold your dreams closely, embrace them; loosen your hold on the path to achieve them. This allows for all the unseen opportunities that may lie ahead to join you on the path, leading you to a destiny far beyond your original intent.

Allowing new people and ideas to intermingle on your path are the unknown opportunities that expand your vision and enhance your dream.


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