The Power of Wild Cards

 Wild cards deliver completely unexpected changes, many times signaling the derailment of perfectly laid plans. The news they deliver springs from nowhere we were looking. These surprises simply lurk about seeking the perfect opportunity to crash into our lives. When things utterly unknown and unexpected appear on the horizon a change is already in motion. These unexpected events are powerful no matter how the news may appear initially. They frequently signal the onset of 'significant events that create significant change.'

These surprises contain influences that are unpredictable joined with qualities that are uncertain. Our natural instinct is to withdraw from things that create this much improbability, perhaps the reason so many endings are the result of wild cards. What we may be missing is the assurance that the same threads that bind uncertainty unravel as opportunity. Many times ideas that surface in our effort to correct unexpected changes lead us to places were never attempting to go or new heights we never imagined scaling. Wild cards may be the impetus to alter our course and reach higher and look beyond the limitations we have created as boundaries to what we are trying to accomplish.

Successful entrepreneurs, Inventors and the most creative among us are the best evidence of using wild cards to pivot to a more successful plateau. Thomas Edison may be the most famous of these examples as he cast aside his failed efforts to create a hearing aid, freely giving the project to Alexander Graham Bell where it became the telephone. Wild cards may very well be a nudge from the universe to look farther than you can see now, to dream bigger. What appeared to be an ending may be heralding a new and better beginning.

Life is about perception, our ability to correctly interpret what we believe about what we see. Unpredictable events that are the trademark of wild cards force us to look beyond the original plan for in the hope that we can bring things back to where we thought they should be. When we can't do that, the opportunity to apply a change, to take a detour that may lead to a different conclusion is on the horizon. When life presents you with a wild card, especially about something that is important to you, before you accept it as a 'no' look deeper to see if it really means 'not that way.' Something much better may be waiting to enter the scene. Wild cards may be a gift from above!


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