Why We Make Each Other Better

 "I'm a better man," I'm a better woman," "I'm who I am because of you... " Why are these statements about who we have become when we love another person true? Being in love opens the floodgates of the best we can become within all of us. This emotion is the highest calling to humans and the most powerful force available to everyone; it is capable of overcoming every negative force we have permitted to enter our lives. We are better people when we are loved and loving.

 The search for love begins within seconds of our birth. The moment the first breath is inhaled, the innate of every newborn scans the environment they are entering, looking for love and a welcome into the new world they have entered. Babies are aware when this is lacking, and for many the searches for love and being welcome which they believe will be fruitless has begun. It matters; being loved and being welcomed matter.

 We exist in a magnetic field of energy. The magnetic force of push and pull energy that is necessary to our planet to continue a successful rotation extends to every living organism on it; including people. Most of us are unaware that we are continuously pushing energy forward or pulling energy from our surroundings. We are only aware when something makes us suddenly feel really good or really down; even then, many fail to notice why it happens. You have pulled from the energy field that surrounds you, good or bad, when you suddenly feel uplifted, angry or down.

 When we fall in love with another person or are acutely aware that we are loved, our energy filed becomes much stronger. Our inclination is to push that energy forward rather than pulling or absorbing the energy of others. It is a natural reaction to this powerful emotion, and the reason many people believe it is contagious. What is 'catching' is the effects of this powerful emotion being projected into every space we enter.

 When we love another person we seek the very best in them; and that is exactly what rises to the surface! The most successful songs are about a new love, a long love or a lost love. Like it or not, it is always on our mind. We begin our life searching for love and don't really begin to live it fully until we find it in a lasting relationship. Everyone is a better person when they are loved and in love.


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