Detaching From Icky Sticky Energy

 Most of us have endured a bumpy path as the dreamer in our life journey; many times we forget the highs because the lows seem to last far longer than anticipated. We know that attachment of any kind can adversely affect our journey. When we are attached to any outcome we immediately file the results in win or losses categories. It is vital to our success on this path to learn how to detach from those hurtful and deeply emotional memory imprints that trail you still today.

When some event occurs that is a great wrong, a great disappointment, or a profoundly emotional event, it becomes a deeply embedded memory imprint. As new events occur they join those that we carried from our previous lives, further deepening the imprinted memory and its effect on our psyche. This is especially true if the events involve the same souls who joined this journey with a plan or agreement they have not honored.

These emotions float about in our aura, seeking a way to attach permanently. It makes us uncomfortable and the pain continues. When this happens we focus our own attention on the discomfort it is causing. This further increases the mass in our aura.

We relieve trauma by talking through it. Unfortunately, most people talk intensely about traumatic events, increasing the mass that is floating in the aura. As this happens, it gains in concentration and becomes sturdy and stronger, like glue.

When this occurs, an attachment has been created. Most do not recognize that each time their attention is diverted to the event the bond grows stronger. Each time they speak about it, the words provide very strong energy to the bonding process. It is the power of the spoken word; and yet, it grows stronger still when they write the story; the sweep of their pen places the events firmly into the annals of their own personal Akashi, the annals of our life journey.

Why can't we see the effects of this or the truth about a situation?

We call this denial; a deeply embedded denial occurs when the dreamer remembers the original plan for the journey and the vows that were promised and refuses to acknowledge that the other participants are not willing to honor the agreement. And so, we keep trying, knowing at some deeper level the way things should have played out. This happens to all of us consciously or unconsciously; it is the times when we know a great wrong has taken place.

Denial is a false sense of security we create to shield us from pain and discomfort.

The more times that you speak about an undesirable situation, the more times that you permit your energy to be diverted to look at the situation; the more times you even acknowledge its existence, the deeper the attachment becomes. It is icky, sticky stuff and attaches like Velcro to your aura.

Envision yourself as sleek and slippery and very difficult to attach to and you can release these undesirables much quicker. We can only move forward in our journey by detaching from the events that continue to focus our energy and attention to any place that is not on our desired future.

Let go, refuse to hold on any longer. You simply cannot move your mind and focus in one direction while your body moves in a different direction, no more than your torso can go to one location while your legs and arms go to another. Wherever your mind is focused is where you are going. Consider these attachments as events that must be erased from your memory bank. Visually or physically take out an eraser and remove them! It is like deleting an undesired file on the computer in your world! In the physical body, you can only see clearly when you detach from the emotion of the event.

You can train yourself to do this. In the beginning you may have to reenact the event in your own mind and place a stranger in your role; then carefully observe only that which you know is factual; remove any observation that is not supported by facts. It is a little like the training to remove the words and judge the deeds of those involved in situations to see clearly.

You become the surgeon in your life journey, by finding the facts and acting on them. Remove those who are not beneficial to completing your journey successfully.

Things are so simple and yet, in the past dark 3D energy it was difficult to imagine that simplicity is the answer. Your power is in your sub conscious and super conscious mind. It is far easier to get in touch with those parts of ourselves now as we move into quantum energy. Use it!

How? It is as simple as sitting quietly and instructing your subconscious mind to do so. Your mind does not rule you; it is simply the most powerful tool in your toolbox of live. You must command it and it will follow your directions. Speak from the super conscious mind or higher self as you give these directions.

To break up the negative or difficult energy, try this simple idea.

Stand in a room alone. Imagine that a gold translucent pole extends from above your head to your feet. See it shimmering in the light. Now attach purple paddles in the shape of a Christmas tree, smaller at the top, larger at the bottom. Now imagine them as they begin to move up and down in unison; once they are all moving allow them to begin spinning round and round, beating the sticky attachments loose from your aura. Do this until your aura is clear and cleansed. Then, very quickly fill your aura with white light and say the simple words, 'My aura is sealed. Nothing and no one who is not here for my highest and best good can penetrate the boundaries of my aura.'

The mere speaking of these words makes it so. It is the power of the spoken word. Your sub conscious mind accepts as fact that which you speak. The power of the spoken word is immense.


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