Is There Magic in That Water Under the Bridge
"It's just water under the bridge... " when we imagine that something has already passed and no longer has significance in our lives, it becomes just water under the bridge; or is it? Is it possible that the ole' water under the bridge is really magical, that it has the power to transform our future?
Most of us are attracted to large bodies of water and enjoy the bridges that cross them. We tend to roll down our windows, take a deep breath and just enjoy leaving something behind and the anticipation of what waits before us as we cross the bridge. When we find ourselves in a situation that seems impossible, we are always looking for a bridge to cross, a way to get to the other side where being whole again seems possible. Way down deep, we know that bridges bring change. And they do; energy changes across the water. You can feel it, almost a sense of shifting gears.
Moving water embodies the energy of what lies behind; especially the pain, fear and anger that all exist in strong emotions. They attach and travel along to merge with the new field of energy the water is flowing into. Pay attention when you cross a large span of water; you will feel the shift as the merging of the energies is completed. When you do, you will be totally into the new energy field. What does this mean to you?
Our physical bodies respond to the energy fields that surround us. Whether we are in a warm and sunny or frigidly cold climate, we can shine and be at our very best if we are surrounded by people we believe we can trust, those who support our goals and champion our dreams. Those same conditions become unbearable when we are encircled by energy that is deceptive, suspicious and demeaning to our goals. It is then that we mentally look for a bridge to cross, an escape from the cynicism that emerges in that kind of negativity. We are actually seeking an energy shift away from the darkness of disapproval and into the light of supportive positive energy.
When you find yourself caught in a web of negative energy, look for a real bridge to cross and reexamine the situation on the other side. You may find that you have a new perspective and greater vision once you have entered the new field of energy. You may very well discover that the magic in that transformative water under the bridge leads to an unexpected rainbow in your life!
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